AKIM Programs

Dental Program

Maintaining dental health and oral hygiene is an important and critical issue for the quality of life for all of us.

To meet the unique dental needs of persons with intellectual disabilities, the Disabilities Administration at the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs established a dental program that is operated by AKIM Israel.

The division currently has 22 clinics nationwide and operates with funding from the Ministry of Social Affairs. The Dental Department provides dental and oral hygiene services to 18,000 adults and children with intellectual disabilities and special needs every year. Treatments take place in a pleasant and professional atmosphere, in a facility located throughout the country while maintaining the patient’s dignity and wishes.

Dental program
Dental Program

Promoting Oral Health in the Community

As part of the dental system operated by AKIM, we recently began implementing a new program funded by the Community Division of the Disabilities Administration of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, to promote oral and dental health within the community. When diagnosed with dental issues requiring attention, persons with disabilities are referred to the nearest dental clinic for treatment. Through the program, a professional team visits employment frameworks and day centers for people with intellectual disabilities to provide instruction on oral hygiene as well as personal care for each person, including descaling by a dental hygienist, at no financial cost.


Our Programs & Services

Through our programs and services, and a person-centered approach, we directly enrich, influence, and enhance the lives of Israelis with intellectual disabilities and their families in communities across Israel.